
Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)

Thank you for utilizing the Services provided by Superblock Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"). This Terms of Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") governs the access to and use of the Over Wallet app service (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") provided by SuperBlock Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "SuperBlock" or the "Company"). We kindly request you to review this Agreement carefully and also read all related terms, including the Privacy Policy.

Article 2 (Definitions)

The definitions of terms used within these Terms of Service are as follows, without regard to capitalization:

① "Service" refers to all services provided by the Company through members' devices (including various mobile, PC, and wireless devices).

② "Mobile App" refers to a virtual commercial place or service space established by the Company to provide services using informational and communication facilities such as computers or mobile information and communication devices, including but not limited to, applications, webpages, etc.

③ "Member" refers to any and all users who access the Service and enter into an agreement with the Company according to this Agreement to utilize the Service, either in full or in part. Users are required to register as members to use this Service, and upon approval of the registration, they become members.

④ "ID" refers to the user's email account, under the name of an approved user, requested by the user during the registration process for this Service.

⑤ "Points" refer to the scores available on the Service that the Company can grant to members, and the Company may use these points to reward members in the future.

⑥ "Cards" refer to tokens provided to a member when they have been approved to refer another user for membership. One card is given per approved user referred by the member. The Company may reward members based on the number of cards they accumulate.

⑦ "Affiliate Content" refers to any content, whether free or paid, provided to members by the Company through partnerships with external entities.

Article 3 (Publication and Revision of Terms of Service)

① The Company will publish these Terms of Service on the mobile app and other platforms providing the Service, ensuring that members can easily access and review them.

② Within the limits not violating relevant laws, such as the Information and Communication Network Act, Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions, Act on Reporting and Using Specified Financial Transaction Information, the Company may revise these Terms of Service.

③ In the event of a revision to these Terms of Service, the Company shall provide notice of the revised terms, along with the effective date and reasons for the revision, from 7 days prior to the effective date until the day before the effective date, following the method specified in Clause 1. However, if the changes are disadvantageous to users from a legal perspective, the Company shall notify users through the Service at least 30 days before the effective date.

④ If a member does not agree to the revised Terms of Service, the member may terminate the contract within 14 days from the date of the notice. If, despite the notification, a member does not explicitly express their refusal within 14 days from the date of the notice, it will be deemed that the member has agreed to the revised Terms of Service.

⑤ If a member indicates their disagreement with the revised Terms of Service within the aforementioned period, the Company cannot apply the revised Terms of Service. In such a case, the member has the option to terminate the service contract. The member will not be able to use the Service from the effective date of the revised Terms of Service, and the Company may terminate the service contract with the member in this situation.

Article 4 (Interpretation of Terms of Service)

① In order to provide the Service smoothly and comply with relevant laws, the Company may request members to follow additional procedures, such as agreeing to supplementary terms or consenting to the collection and use of personal information. If a member fails to complete such procedures, the member may not be able to use all or part of the Service.

② Matters not stipulated in these Terms of Service shall be governed by the Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Information and Communication Network Promotion and Information Protection Act, relevant laws, customs, and operational policies posted in advance and notified to users.

Chapter 2 Service Use

Article 5 (Conclusion of the Use Contract)

① The contract of use between the Company and the Member (hereinafter referred to as the “Use Contract”) is established when the person who wishes to use the Service (hereinafter referred to as the “Applicant”) runs the mobile application on an electronic device capable of running a mobile app such as a computer or mobile phone, agrees to the contents of this "Terms of Service" and the "Consent to Personal Information Collection and Use," and applies for membership. Upon approval by the Company, the Agreement is concluded.

② If required by relevant laws, the Company may request verification of the Applicant's real identity and authentication through identity verification institutions or official identification documents. The user must successfully complete these verification and authentication procedures for membership registration. If the user refuses to do so, the Company may reject the membership application, and the Company shall not be liable for any disadvantages resulting from the user's failure to verify their identity.

③ The Applicant must carefully review and agree to this Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy when applying for membership. By clicking the agreement button for each respective term, it is deemed that the Applicant has fully reviewed and expressed their consent to the terms.

④ Membership registration is only allowed for individuals, and the principle adhered to is one account per person. If a person improperly uses multiple accounts, the Company reserves the right to arbitrarily delete accounts exceeding one for that individual, and any points, cards, etc., held by the deleted accounts will also be lost, for which the Company will not compensate the person.

⑤ Users who are under the age of 14 or who require parental or legal guardian consent due to the age restrictions in their country are ineligible for membership. Even if membership approval has been granted, the user's membership contract shall be deemed null and void if they fall within the aforementioned category.

⑥ The Applicant is obliged to provide accurate and truthful information during the membership application process, and the Applicant shall be responsible for any disadvantages or liabilities resulting from the provision of false information.

⑦ The Company reserves the right to withhold the approval of a membership application for technical, operational, or other reasonable reasons as as deemed appropriate by the Company.

Article 6 (Contract Termination and Cancellation by Company)

The Company may withhold acceptance or refuse the following membership applications, terminate the use contract retroactively, or restrict the use of the Service for a certain period if necessary. In each case, any points, cards, or other benefits associated with the respective ID shall be forfeited, and the Company shall not compensate the user for such losses.

  1. When the Service cannot be provided due to the specified service environment or technical reasons.
  2. When the user provides false, missing, or erroneous information during the application process or fails to meet the Company's requirements.
  3. When the application name is not the applicant's own name, such as using a false name or another person's name.
  4. When it is difficult to identify the applicant or verify their identity.
  5. When an existing member submits duplicate membership applications.
  6. When an individual under the age of 14 applies for use.
  7. When applying for membership under a corporate name.
  8. When a user re-applies for membership after having previously been subject to service restrictions or having lost membership status.
  9. When a user is involved in or reasonably suspected of engaging in illegal activities.
  10. When the membership application violates any provisions in these Terms of Service that pertain to hindering the use of the Service or using illegal or unfair means that could impede the smooth operation of the Service.
  11. When the application is made with the intention of disturbing public order, decency, or social norms.
  12. When the use of the Service, based on the user's residence, constitutes a violation of foreign laws outside the jurisdiction of the Republic of Korea or poses significant risks of constituting a violation of such laws.

Article 7 (Contract Termination by Members)

① Members may apply for the termination of the Service use contract at any time through the account management menu within the Service, and the Company shall process the request promptly, within the next business day.

② Upon termination of the membership contract by a member, unless the Company is required to retain member information in accordance with relevant laws and the privacy policy, all member information shall be destroyed.

③ The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by a member due to the deletion of their ID and related information resulting from the termination application.

Article 8 (Modification of Member information)

① Members may access and modify their personal information within the Service. However, the ID cannot be modified for the purpose of Service management.

② If there are any changes to the personal information provided during the membership application, the member must promptly update it. The Company shall not be liable for any damages or disadvantages incurred due to the member's failure to update their information in a timely manner.

Article 9 (Account Management)

① Accounts may only be used by the members themselves, and under no circumstances should any other person be permitted to use the member's account.

② Members must directly manage their ID, passwords, and related email, passwords to ensure that no unauthorized use of their account occurs. Members shall bear full responsibility for all aspects of such management.

③ Members may access and modify their information through the service settings. However, certain account information necessary for service provision and management may not be modifiable. Members must update any changes to the information provided during service application directly within the Service or request the update of such information through email or customer support to maintain up-to-date information.

Article 10 (Service Configuration)

① The mobile app provides a service that allows users to accumulate points, cards, etc., through missions.

② The services provided by the Company consist of the following:

  1. Accumulation of rewards, such as points or cards: Rewards given to members for using the Service.
  2. Consumption, use, and purchase of content: Content provided by the Company can be used or purchased.
  3. Display of advertisements: Providing advertisements such as images, text, sound, and links.
  4. Other services provided by the Company through development or alliances with other companies.

③ The Company may provide information about the Service and products through various methods, such as wireless phones, email, text services (LMS/SMS), SNS, etc., for the convenience of users. Members may refuse to receive such information at any time. If a member does not wish to receive notifications, they may deactivate the notification settings.

Article 11 (Change of Service)

The Company may add, modify, or change the whole or part of the Service at any time for the smooth operation or improvement of the Service. Additionally, the Company may temporarily or permanently suspend the provision of the Service or add new restrictions. If the entire or part of the free service is modified, changed, or terminated, the Company shall not provide separate compensation unless otherwise specified by relevant laws.

Article 12 (Suspension and Restriction of Service)

① The Company may limit or suspend the entire or part of the Service in the following cases:

  1. Occurrence of equipment maintenance, replacement, or failure, communication disruption, or other reasons related to the Company or affiliated companies.
  2. Necessary for service upgrade, system maintenance, and management.
  3. Disruptions to normal service usage due to power outage, equipment failure, or excessive usage.
  4. Reasonable business, operational, or technical necessity as determined by the Company.
  5. Other inevitable reasons, such as natural disasters or national emergencies.

② The Company shall make reasonable efforts to provide advance notice if the service suspension is predictable, and if not, it shall notify users afterward.

Article 13 (Collection and Use of User's Personal Information and Usage Records)

All information provided to the Company by users is subject to the Company's Privacy Policy regarding the collection and use of personal information. By using the Service, users agree to the collection and use of their personal information in accordance with the Privacy Policy, as required by relevant laws (including but not limited to the Personal Information Protection Act and related regulations and the Act on Reporting and Use of Specific Financial Transaction Information) and not limited to the Privacy Policy.

Chapter 3 Obligations of the Company and Members, etc.

Article 14 (Obligations of the Company)

① The Company shall make every effort to provide the Service continuously and stably while complying with relevant laws and these Terms.

② The Company shall have security systems in place to protect members' personal information and shall publicly disclose and comply with its Privacy Policy.

Article 15 (Obligations of a Member)

① Members shall not engage in the following actions related to the use of the Service:

  • Actions that violate these Terms or relevant laws.
  • Actions that disrupt normal Service operation, such as providing false information during registration, using another person's information, or registering multiple IDs for one person.
  • Hacking or unauthorized intrusion into the Company's information and communication network.
  • Unauthorized access, storage, disclosure, or use of information held by the Company, using improper methods other than those provided by the Company.
  • Collecting personal information of other members without their consent.
  • Damaging Service information by unauthorized alteration or deletion.
  • Infringing on the Company's intellectual property rights, third-party intellectual property rights, or copying, replicating, selling, reselling, or transferring all or part of the Service components for commercial purposes without the Company's consent.
  • Engaging in other illegal activities or actions that hinder the Company's business to provide smooth Service.

② Members shall comply with relevant laws, the provisions of these Terms, service instructions, and notices posted within the Service.

③ Members must personally use the Service and should not transfer or lend their accounts or devices with access to their accounts to others.

Article 16 (Notice to Members)

① When notifying all users, the Company shall do so by posting the notice on the mobile app's public announcement section for a period of at least 7 days. ② In cases where a notice has a significant impact on members, the Company shall individually notify members through their registered email or mobile app alerts.

Chapter 4 Damages Compensation and Indemnification, etc.

Article 17 (Damages Compensation and Indemnification)

① In the event that the Company or a user causes damages to the other party by violating these terms, the responsible party shall be liable to compensate for the damages. However, the Company shall not be liable to compensate for damages caused by reasons not attributable to the Company.

② The Company, its executives, directors, employees, and agents shall not be held liable for

(1) The use or inability to use the Service.

(2) Information available through the Service.

(3) Any indirect, special, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages arising from acts of Service users or third parties.

unless the Company acted with intentional misconduct or gross negligence.

Article 18 (Governing Laws and Judicial Jurisdiction)

① Unless otherwise specified in writing, these terms shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea, regardless of the user's nationality or address.

② In the event of a dispute arising between a user and the Company, the jurisdictional court shall be the Seoul Central District Court of the Republic of Korea.

Article 19 (Miscellaneous)

① Even if a certain provision of these terms is found to be unenforceable or impractical through a court ruling, the remaining provisions shall remain valid and enforceable.

② Users may not transfer the rights and obligations specified in these terms to a third party without the Company's prior written consent.

③ These terms represent the complete and exclusive agreement between the Company and users regarding the Service and replace all prior agreements related to the Service. If a user does not explicitly express their refusal within the specified period after the revised terms take effect, it shall be deemed that the user has agreed to the revised terms.

This English version of the Terms of Service is a translation based on the original Korean version of the Terms of Service. If there is any conflict between these two versions, the original Korean version of the Terms of Service shall prevail. The relationship between you and Company in relation to the Terms of Service or Services shall be governed by the laws of Republic of Korea, and any dispute arising between you and Company arising out of or in connection with the Terms of Service or Services, shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures set out in the Civil Procedure Act of Republic of Korea in principle.


  1. These Terms of Service shall be effective from March 13, 2024.