GN, Over!

September 15, 2023

We are thrilled to share the incredible journey we embarked on from September 7th to 10th, as GM Over met with over thousands of friends from various corners of the globe.

Friends came along with us from different countries, including Algeria, China, France, Ghana, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States!

Join us as we explore the highlights of our pop-up store and unveil the lucky winners of our raffle in this exciting update!

🏠 Why a Pop-up store?

Our ultimate goal is to create a platform that can hold and exchange diverse forms of value.

Therefore, the pop-up store was designed to provide a tangible glimpse into the future envisioned by Over Protocol.


Watch the GM Over video on Youtube

🖍 Event highlights

OverNode preview

Our guests enjoyed a preview of OverNode for home staking, giving them a sneak peek into what’s coming soon.

Stay tuned for this exciting release!

Limited edition of goods

Our visitors had the chance to spend their points on our exclusive GM Over goods.

It was heartwarming to see so many people wearing their Over tarpaulin bags on the street.

Raffle events

Our raffle event allowed our guests to enter for a chance to win the items they desired using their points.

Who will be the lucky winners? The results will be revealed below!

🥁 Raffle winners are..

Our raffle draw was conducted with transparency through a YouTube live stream.

To see the thrilling moment, please watch this video here.

Missed out on a win?


For those who weren't lucky this time, we want you to know that all raffle entry fees have been automatically refunded.

Please take a moment to check your point activities.

🌐 See you again

Until we meet GM Over from around the world, Let's freaking go together!

"More freedom, more participation, more opportunities"

This is precisely the vision for our blockchain's future.

You can check for more updates on Over Protocol X.

If you have any additional inquiries, please visit Discord Community.