Over Wallet: for Over Protocol

Are you sure you want to remove your Over account?

정말 오버 계정을 삭제할까요?

To delete your Over account, please send an email to the address provided below using the email address you used to log in.

오버 계정을 삭제하고 싶다면 로그인한 이메일을 사용하여 아래 주소로 메일을 보내주세요


By discontinuing your account, you will no longer have access to Over and will lose all your data, including points, profile information, connected social media services, and activity history. Please note that this data cannot be recovered once it is lost.

회원 탈퇴를 하면 되돌릴 수 없어요. 프로필, 포인트, 활동, 연결된 SNS를 포함한 모든 데이터가 손실되며 복구할 수 없어요.